Come and meet your newest, cutest and furriest neighbors in Mendonoma!
The Redwood Coast Humane Society is pleased to once again welcome visitors to our shelter on Saturdays from 12:00 - 2:00 pm.
If you are interested in adopting a cat, please print out our General Adoption Questionnaire or submit our online form prior to coming to adopt a cat.
If you are interested in adopting a dog, please print out our Dog Adoption Questionnaire or submit our online form prior to coming to adopt a dog. Appointments must be arranged in advance.
Below are questions which you should ask yourself before adopting a pet. RCHS may also ask you about your willingness and ability to bring a new pet into your home.
Do you have adequate time to spend with and care for a cat or dog?
Is your home adequately secure and can a cat or dog be prevented from escaping?
Do you understand housetraining and understand that the cat/dog may need to be re-taught to not go to the bathroom in the house?
Can you make the financial commitment to care for the cat or dog, food, vaccinations, routine veterinary care? The cost of owning a pet is about $1,000/year.
Will the cat or dog be allowed in the house, or only the garage or only outdoors?
If the cat or dog develops issues, how will you handle these issues?
Would you be willing to allow a home inspection? If renting, does the landlord allow pets? Can the number for the landlord be provided? Is there a size restriction or number of pets restriction?
Are you planning any major changes in the near future that might affect the status of the pet? Expecting a baby? Planning on moving? Having major surgery? Going back to school? Getting married? Going on a long vacation?
Does anyone in your family have pet allergies?
Are all family members on-board with the adoption decision? Have you been considering adopting a pet for a while? Have you given pet adoption a lot of thought?
If you become unable to care for your dog/cat, do you have someone designated to take care of the animal?
Once it has been agreed that you and a pet are a good fit, you will be asked to fill out an Adoption Agreement form and pay a $75 fee for a cat/kitten or a $100 fee for a dog/puppy which includes spaying or neutering of your pet. A condition for adoption is that the cat or dog you are adopting must be spayed or neutered. If the pet is too young at the time of adoption, you will be asked to leave a deposit with RCHS for the Spay or Neuter procedures ($25 cat/kitten or dog/puppy). This will be returned to you once your pet has been spayed or neutered.